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Pose Fitness Classes Available Online...


Updated: Apr 16, 2020


How do I join online classes and make payment?

It's very easy to book your class with us. You can do so by booking a class at our booking link. Once you have booked your space (we still limit our numbers to 12 per class), you can then join onto the live zoom. PLEASE NOTE - ensure you are logged on 5 minutes before class so that we can make sure we have spoken to you and that you are registered on the class. Please do not log in too early before class unless you are just checking it works as we may have another class in process.

It is important that we can see you as this enables us to instruct you in the best way possible and means that you are actually part of a live class. If you do not have a camera on your desktop you will need to use a smart phone or tablet.

Get onto the zoom meeting at then use the ID and password below to join our online class!

Meeting ID: 219 094 5203 Password: 271783

If you join the zoom then you will be asked to make payment for class.

If you need help with learning how to use zoom then we hope the below link and guidelines are helpful. We will do all that we can to help train our members to use the service so please do message us for help if needed. We may not be able to respond to requests in the 15 minutes before class as we will be setting up so please give us a little time and bear with us through this learning curve.

ZOOM how to log in!

1) Click on or Zoom .us into browser and return 2) Top right hand corner of screen click on 'join a meeting' ad return 3)Type your log in number 219 094 5203 and click 'join' 4) Zoom will ask to access your audio and video- say 'yes' to all and you will see class appear with you in a small box on screen. 5) please position the screen so that the teacher can see all of you in order to be able to correct or make verbal adjustments to you.

What equipment will I need?

You can join ALL of our classes with no equipment however we do recommend checking out our blog post to help you at the moment! CLICK HERE.

We also sell exercise and yoga mats which are 10% off with the code SPRING2020 at the moment! Check out our shop HERE.

We want to take this time to thank you all for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you online soon!

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